3🪘、 如存有健康問題,在運動前需要向醫生咨詢並遵守醫囑🌕。嚴禁酒後或服藥期間進行健身運動🥒。
4🥠、 請勿過度運動,一旦感覺疲勞或不適時應立即停止運動。使用任何設備的最長時限均為60分鐘。
5👨🏻🍳、 嚴禁吸煙、吃口香糖🦎、亂寫亂畫、吐痰、亂扔果皮紙屑👩⚖️;嚴禁將任何液體拋灑在地板上;離場時請自覺將垃圾帶出。
Management Regulations for Fitness Center
1. The facilities in the gym are designed for adults, and children under the age of 16 are strictly prohibited from entering.
2. Sports shoes are required for fitness exercises. It is strictly forbidden to wear spiked shoes (iron nails or rubber nails) and black soft low-quality shoes. It is strictly forbidden to conduct class or training in any form.
3. If you have health problems, you need to consult a doctor and follow the doctor's advice before exercising. Fitness exercises are strictly prohibited after drinking or taking medication.
4. Do not over-exercise, stop exercising immediately when you feel tired or unwell. The maximum time limit for using any device is 60 minutes.
5. Smoking, chewing gum, scribbling, spitting, and littering of peel and confetti are strictly prohibited; it is strictly forbidden to throw any liquid on the floor; please consciously take out the garbage when you leave.
6. Before gym activities, please carefully check whether the venue equipment is in good condition. If there is any abnormality, contact the administrator immediately.
7. Improper use of equipment can cause injuries. Please follow the instructions to use the device. If you have any questions, please seek assistance.
8. All personnel shall bear their own risks and responsibilities when using the gym. In the event of an accident or emergency, please contact the management immediately.
9. Please consciously abide by the gym management regulations, obey the arrangements of the management personnel, consciously maintain the order of the venue, be civil and polite, coordinate and cooperate, and respect each other.